Thursday, April 7, 2011

Time off

Two 'high horse' posts in as many days! I need to get off and stop looking down my nose at people for a while.

I had a pleasant situation today, when both kids finished their reading and math before we met Tommy for lunch, and I had 3 free hours in the afternoon to get caught up on things. This is a rare occurrence. Between lessons and errands and laundry, my time is usually spoken for right up until I have to start cooking dinner. Just this morning, I was thinking that I was going to have to give the kids a week off just so I can get some things done around the house. I might still have to; there's all kinds of things that need taking care of out in the yard now that spring is here.

Today, during my free time, I wrote 2 birthday cards, only one of which was already late. I started working through my stacks of paper and backlog of mail I haven't gotten around to opening over the past several days. (I know there's bills in there that I need to get paid before due dates.) I should have gotten more of that kind of stuff done -- I owe all kinds of people e-mails -- but I didn't. Maybe this weekend. We're supposed to go to the zoo Saturday morning, but Faith is coming down with a cough. Is it wrong of me to hope she's too sick to go Saturday so I can have a day off?

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