Friday, April 22, 2011

"It's not my fault!"

(with apologies to Lando Calrissian)

So, yeah, I missed a weekday, but it was due to circumstances beyond my control. Our area had an internet outage at about 6:30 last night. Everything was working yesterday afternoon; then I came back after dinner and had no access. Spent quite a bit on the phone with tech support.

Actually, I spent less and far less frustrating time with tech support than I did trying to get to tech support. First I had to fight one of those stupid voice-recognition systems that made me walk through everything step by step, complete with "Finish this trouble-shooting process you've already done because you're not a complete moron and actually know what you're doing, and then call me back!" I finally talked him down to where he had technical diffuculties and let me talk to a real person. That was much quicker.

As I expected, the problem turned out to be on their end, and all I could do was wait for them to fix it. Which they did sometime before this morning. I'll make a post tomorrow to make up for it.

Today was science day. I got a microscope for the kids, and we spent the afternoon finding things to look at through it. My parents got me one just like it when I was a kid myself, and it was in the upstairs hall closet up until they moved two and a half years ago. If I'd thought to have them hold on to it, I could have saved myself some money. This one has LEDs, though, which ought to be better than the little tiny light bulbs in my 1980s model.

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