Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The most famous person in the world

TIME magazine ran an online poll allowing voters to select the most influential person in the world. The results (which, thankfully, are not binding on the editors putting together a sane list) indicate that the person with the most influence on the global mind is ... a Koren pop star named, apparently, Rain. Which raises the question of whether one can be influenced by someone of whom one has never been aware before the poll.

The first person on the list I've even heard of, at number 3, is Susan Boyle. Who has a nice voice and a nicer story, but I fail to understand how she is "influential." Does anyone even know where she stands on issues of the day? And if so, are they influenced to agree with her?

Do people participating in polls on the internet know the definition of the word "influential?" Perhaps I should take a poll....

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