Friday, May 27, 2011


(I'm up late again and just now almost shut down my computer before I remembered I still had to blog something.)

Earworms are songs that get stuck in your head and you find yourself singing under your breath all day.  This is bad enough when it's a song you like.  Unfortunately, living in the same house with children means exposing oneself to some dangerous earworm-infected songs. 

A few days ago, Eric asked to watch a Christmas special.  Personally, I don't like watching holiday specials out of season  (it comes, I'm sure, from my pre-VCR childhood when one's only hope to watch anything was to wait for a network to choose to show it), but I don't have the Christmas DVDs hidden away somewhere so it's my own fault.  He wanted the Curious George special "A Very Monkey Christmas."  I wasn't even watching the thing, but I nevertheless got the chorus to one of the songs stuck in my head.  To add insult to injury, the actual lyrics that kept running through my head are:
"Are you ready for Christmas Day to come?
Sing it with me, or if you're a monkey, hum."
Some of the most inane lyrics ever. Catchy tune, though.

(Sample track 2, "Christmas with a Monkey.  Until I looked at the album, I didn't realize the inanity extended to the title.)

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