Thursday, May 26, 2011

What we're reading now

When Faith finished All-of-a-Kind Family Downtown, we had just watched the DVD of "Voyage of the Dawn Treader," and she was very excited to find out that there were Narnia books too and that we had them!  So she is now 4 chapters from the end of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  (I'm a Lewis originalist: None of this rearranging the novels into chronological order under my roof!)  She says she intends to read all seven of the Chronicles of Narnia in a row, but we'll see.  I recall some of the flashback chapters of Prince Caspian being a little slow.

Eric has been loving the Thomas the Tank Engine-branded books in the Step Into Reading series.  I like them too because they're short for me to sit through while he's reading.  He reads longer books like Sam and the Firefly and The Cat in the Hat as well, and my attention definitely wanders while I'm sitting listening to him work his way through those.  The good thing about The Cat in the Hat is that I'm familiar enough with the words and cadence that I can hear something wrong when he makes a mistake even when I'm not paying attention.  Whenever he reads The Cat in the Hat, I can sit down next to him on the couch with a magazine to read and still correct him.

Speaking of magazines, I've finally worked my way through the bi-weeklies, the monthlies, and the bi-monthlies and gotten down to the lowest strata in my pile: the seasonals.  Today I started reading a Claremont Review of Books dated Summer 2010.   It's a bit interesting reading what everyone was all in an uproar about a year ago.  Apparently, the war in Iraq and Obamacare were big news.  Who knew?

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