Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend update

So, two things.

We will apparently be getting a new roof, according to the insurance adjuster. We had two unusual hail storms within the last few weeks. Hail is fairly common around here, but it mostly stays marble-sized or smaller and lasts less than 5 minutes. These storms produced hail gumball-sized (the big gumballs, not the penny ones), and the hail lasted about 10 minutes each time. The first storm was especially odd, as we never got any rain -- just iceballs falling out of the sky. I love the skylight in our kitchen all the time except during hailstorms, when I live in fear of it suddenly shattering and raining/hailing into the kitchen. They're going to replace the section of fence that's falling into our yard as well, so yay!

Secondly, my little finger isn't broken; rather, I have a bone cyst at the base of it. I've Googled it, but there's very little information available about bone cysts in fingers out there. My doctor says it's benign, but if it doesn't shrink down, I think I'm going to have to have something done about it anyway. Typing is awkward ( you don't know how many times I've had to backspace and retype in this post, as I'm having to use my ring finger for all my pinkie-finger keys except the colon/semicolon), and as it's on my right hand, it interferes with writing as well.

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