Sunday, January 6, 2013


It didn't take long for me to miss a weekday this year -- although the weekends are made for make-up days.  And my new 2013 Get Fuzzy page-a-day calendar?  Still on January 1st.

We spent yesterday afternoon taking down all the Christmas decorations and packing them back up in the attic.  The nice thing about living in Texas is that there's virtually always at least one sunny, sixty-degree day Thanksgiving weekend to put the outside lights on and another one about a week after Christmas to take them all down again.  This year, we had to wait longer than usual: constant highs in the forties with clouds, cold wind, and occasional rain.  We finally got a very pleasant sunny day near 60 yesterday and took advantage of it.  Good thing, too, as today wasn't as warm and boasted a cold breeze as well.

When I was young, it used to depress me greatly when all the Christmas decorations went away; my parents would take it all down while I was in school to avoid my protests.  Now, it's nice to have it all put away for another eleven months.  And I always feel like we've added a room to the house when we get back all the space in the front window that the tree takes up.

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