Monday, January 28, 2013

"French playwrights and the Bible" for 200, Alex

During Eric's basketball practice tonight, I was reading a review (from summer 2012) of a book on the history of the Conservative Party in Britain, and I came across this gem of a sentence:
"But if, like Naaman in the House of Rimmon, Churchill conformed without believing, it is not evident that Chamberlain and Baldwin -- or even David Cameron -- can be similarly absolved on grounds of political Tartuffery." -- Michael Knox Beran
What a delight of obscure references!  The Second Book of Kings and Moliere both in the same sentence and  pressed into service to discuss the prime ministers of Great Britain!  And not a frisson of context or whiff of a footnote!  I think what I miss most about academia is the sheer intellectual elitism in which one is permitted -- nay, encouraged! -- to engage.

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