Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Return of Blog: The Bloggening!

To give you the idea of what kind of year I had, I had a 2012 page-a-day Get Fuzzy calendar so I could read a strip 6 times a week.  (A few years ago, it was seven days a week, but they've since got cheap and put Saturday and Sunday together on one page without lowering the price.)  Last night, for New Year's Eve, Tommy and I sat down and read through the pages one by one going back to mid-July, which was the last time I actually took the time to pull the page off.  It's not that I never had free time, obviously; just that whenever I did, there were other things that took priority over getting caught up on my calendar.

2012 is proof I haven't the discipline to keep up with a blog without a binding commitment to crack the metaphorical whip, so I've made it my New Year's resolution again to update every weekday (with weekends providing make-up days if ... no, when -- when necessary).  I've all last year's worth of photographs to share and stories to tell when life just isn't interesting enough in the coming months; hopefully, I can make 2012 stretch to cover what 2013 doesn't.

So stay tuned and watch this space five times a week!

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