Sunday, January 27, 2013

Young ladies' man

The children at our church are dismissed to go to "junior church" after the song service and just before the sermon.  We generally sit in what they call the "stadium seating," wings on either side with graduated rows of pews and stairs on each side.  There was a little girl about Eric's age sitting in the row behind us, and as she got up to walk down the stairs, he waited at the bottom and kept reaching out to take her hand; I could tell he was trying to help her down the stairs, but she had no idea what he wanted.

After the service, her mom leaned forward and said, "Your little boy is so sweet!"  She proceeded to tell us the conversation she had with her daughter afterwards: The mom had explained that Eric had been trying to take her hand to help her down the stairs, and she replied, "I didn't know, mom!  He told me I had pretty hair, and I said thank you."

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