Monday, January 21, 2013

What I'm reading now

I haven't read a physical book in quite a while.  I'm still working on catching up on the magazines I fell behind on two and a half years ago; several times I've gotten well into the seasonals stack only to bog down in a review of a philosophical or political book for a few weeks, during which time the biweeklies and monthlies start to arrive again.  Right now, I'm in a Claremont Review of Books from Summer 2012 and had less than 8 (admittedly thick and small-fonted) magazines left in my stack, but I'm wading through a multi-page opinion piece on issues that were germane before the election and now are fairly moot.  (You want to know what was all the rage in Winter 2011/12?  Occupy and Rick Perry.  Seriously.  How long ago does that seem now?)  And about 5 new magazines came in this week.  :P

I have, however, read a few books on my Kindle, thanks to the Kindle Lending Library and the ease of carrying a Kindle Keyboard places where a 8-½ x 11 folio wouldn't stuff in my purse.  I just finished reading  The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, and ran across this quote from the homeschooling author with which I immediately identified:

"In Knox's Cub Scout troop last week, a boy asked how homeschool is different from public school.  Another boy answered: 'At public school, your Mom isn't yelling at you.'  True.  Good Point.  Mea Culpa."

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