Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August heat

The good thing about the kids going to Zoo Camp the hottest week of the year is that the traffic in the parking lot at drop-off and pick-up is virtually nil.  Wednesday is half-price admission day with free parking, and thus generally the busiest non-weekend day of the week, but even today, the parking lot was much less than half full.  The kids in Zoo Camp probably make up half of the crowd on the grounds at any given time.

Yesterday we set a new record with a high of 110.  Monday, after dropping the kids off, I saw a man walking out of a convenience store with two 10-pound bags of ice and he put them in the bed of his pick-up truck before driving away.  I'm pretty sure he got home with two 10-pound bags of water, even if he was only going a few blocks.  I can't imagine why he didn't put them in the cab where there would at least be air-conditioning.  I had experience in much milder temperatures last summer buying bags of ice to use on Tommy's knee after surgery, and even then I had melting issues by the time I got home.

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