Saturday, August 20, 2011

What Faith is reading now

Faith finished her latest book, No Flying in the House.  It's not one I read as a girl but was recommended by a comment in this blog!  Honestly, I don't know how I missed reading it as a child, except that my library must not have had a copy; otherwise, it would have been just up my alley.  (Actually, I can say with almost absolute certainty that my library did not have a copy: Apart from my own minute perusals of the J Fiction shelves, I also worked there as a volunteer shelving books for a few summers and never saw it.)  She has now moved on to the next Narnia book, The Silver Chair.  It was always one of my favorites.  I liked the quest format and the directions that looked very different when you got to them than you expected.  And who couldn't love Puddleglum?

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Oh, dear -- there's no mention of her impressions of the book. It will break my heart if she didn't like it.

Aren't you surprised no movie studio ever tried an adaptation? Especially with today's CGI?

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