Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sleeping over

Faith is at an impromptu sleepover tonight with Olivia, she of the lemonade stand.  She was outside in her yard when we pulled in the driveway this evening, so Faith and Eric ran across the street to play with her.  When it was time to come in, the girls came to me begging for Faith to sleep over at her house tonight before school starts for Olivia in a few weeks.  Fortunately, the almost-5-year-old directly across the street from us, Arianna, had come out in the meantime to play with Eric and distract him from the fact that Faith was going to get to go to Olivia's house and he wasn't.

It's nice to have a sleepover just a few houses down from us for a change.  No long drives or drawn-out, before-and-after playdates to justify them.  Just running across the street with pajamas and sleeping bag at bed time and coming back in the morning.

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