Saturday, August 27, 2011

Goodnight, Irene

Hoping everyone on the Atlantic coast is keeping safe, but I can't help wishing we were getting some of the rain they're having too much of.  We've had less than an inch of rain since the third week of June.  Watering restrictions begin tomorrow.  I've only been watering the lawn once a week anyway and letting it go brown, as I don't care to pay for enough water to keep it green, but I've been watering the flowerbeds every morning.  I put in some new plants in early summer, before the real heat arrived.  Two impatiens have already died and withered away; a hosta and hydrangea are looking pretty sick, and I don't know if they'll pull through.  Only the crape myrtle I transplanted looks healthy after the heat streak.  Until we get some real rain, we can only water two days a week.

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