Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Boys and Girls

I took the kids to McDonald's today.  The Playplace was busy, since school hasn't started yet.  Faith met a red-headed boy her age, and the two proceeded to spend the next 2 hours together, mostly sitting up in the Playplace and talking to each other.  I eavesdropped when possible: he asked if she'd ever had iodine put on a scrape -- "It's out a brown jar, and it stings" -- and they talked about Star Wars, the Lego video game variety, I found out later.  He must have been funny because she laughed and laughed.  It was like foreshadowing: both of them practicing for being teenagers.

Faith was eager to tell Tommy about her "new boyfriend" when he got home.  (She never bothered to learn his name, so she couldn't have gotten that serious.)  Tommy was less than thrilled to hear his baby girl was already interested in boys.  He reminded her of one of her favorite songs from Lego Rock Band, "Boys and Girls" by Good Charlotte: "Girls don't like boys, remember?"  She looked at him and told him bluntly, "That song is a big lie."

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