Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Sadder But Wiser Princess

Have you ever thought, "Hey, those Disney princesses: They're all right, I guess, but shouldn't they be sexier?"  Have you ever wanted to see them in strapless dresses with heavy makeup and a knowing come-hither look?  Have you ever wished you could see what they'd look like if they were all invited to a party by Carrie and the Sex and the City crew?  Well, today is your lucky day!  Follow this link, and be sure to watch the video!

Honestly, the concept art is lovely on these, even if the physical dolls don't quite measure up, but it's deeply creepy to see Disney princesses as sex kittens.  And the foot long eyelashes they have are just weird!  I'm quite certain that Snow White has had some work done because there's no way she fills out that dress as originally drawn.

P.S. The misspelling in the ad is Disney's, not mine.  Way to not use spellcheck, marketing e-mail people!

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