Monday, August 1, 2011

Hot enough for you?

Today was day # 31 in a streak of triple-digit days.  (Don't even ask me how long it's been since it rained; at this point, it doesn't seem like it will ever rain again!)  Back in July, I kept thinking, "Well, it's hot now, but at least it has to break before the kids go to Zoo Camp in August!"

Well, this week is Zoo Camp, and it's predicted to be the hottest stretch of temperatures around here in more than a decade.  It was already 90 this morning after I dropped them off at 9 o'clock, and it's still 102 as I'm typing this at 8:30 PM.  The predictions for the rest of the week are highs of 109, 109, 108, and 107.  The fact that it's a dry heat is small consolation.

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