Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday blog

By the time I remembered I hadn't blogged yet on Friday, the laptop was powered down, and I was on my way to bed after a long week of driving back and forth for Zoo Camp.  One of the benefits of homeschooling is that I miss out on a lot of the chauffeuring mom-job, and I find it exhausting.

I dropped off both kids at the zoo at 9 each morning, via a carpool line, but Eric's camp was only a half-day while Faith's was all day.  Instead of driving home in the morning then turning around and going back at noon, I spent the mornings at the McDonald's nearest the zoo, reading the newspaper, working on catching up on my magazines, and taking advantage of the free refills.  (They keep it icy-cold in McDonald's, much as they did in the Dairy Queen I sat in when the kids were in Museum School.  I'm sure it's a way to dissuade people who do exactly as I do and sit for hours refilling my cup for the price of a single large drink.  I come prepared, though: in jeans and carrying a cardigan, as it's 110 degrees outside.)

At noon it was back to the carpool line to pick up Eric; then we'd go home, do his reading and math (Faith got the week off since she was out all day), get some lunch, and run any errands I had to do.  On Monday, I took Eric with me to pick up Faith at four, but he was tired and cranky and didn't want to wait in the carpool line again so the rest of the week I dropped him at my parents' house when I went to pick her up.  Thursday evening, the 3rd- and 4th-graders got to stay after the zoo closed and eat pizza and have a scavenger hunt on the zoo grounds, so we didn't pick her up until 8 o'clock.

So that's how I spent my last week and why I didn't come back and turn the computer on to blog Friday night.  I figured I'd catch up this weekend.  And I just did.  :)

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